Tuesday, February 25, 2014

STI testing consists of getting an STI test

Being sexually active and simultaneously scared to get tested for sexually transmitted infections is stressful.

Fortunately, being able to google search STI symptoms is not an admissions requirements for medical school.

The only way to know the truth about an STI status is to get tested.

A practical and convenient approach for testing is to buy a self-test kit. The downside is a potential  lack of support or direction after getting unexpected [or even expected] test results. At-home testing kits are not all guaranteed accurate. The FDA-backed at-home HIV test has clinical research behind it.

A more spiritual approach to relieve shame or guilt surrounding sexual activity and possible consequences, is to consider confessing fears about getting tested to a close friend or disinterested party.

Relatively large intervals between an STI test, opting not to see the results of an STI test or never having testing done is not uncommon.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Kink Community News

Wicked Grounds, located in San Francisco SOMA, is a kink cafe and boutique that primarily serves the alternative sexuality community.

"You want to talk about the hot shit, the stuff that really gets you off, like fisting ... [Wicked Grounds] would be a great place for that," cafe employee and CCSF economics student Tara said.

The cafe is set up like a living room with space for high-tech gadget users to plug in. The botique sells a wide range of kink-related items including themed board games, whips.

Cis-sexual men and women or men and women whose gender align with their sex are also welcome.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

CCSF aides not likely to find AIDS

Ocean Campus Student Health Services, located at  50 Phelan Avenue, HC-100, does not give rapid HIV tests despite numerous on-campus posters telling students that they should know their HIV status. 

Receptionists at the CCSF clinic will give students a bookmark-sized piece of paper with a map, address and phone number of SF City Clinic. City Clinic is an offsite, downtown San Francisco location where people can get rapid HIV and other STD testing done. Testing is free and can be completed using a fake name or alias. 
Photo courtesy of http://www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/p/keep-calm-know-your-hiv-status/ [Or google search: Know your HIV status]