Friday, January 1, 2016

Top 5 2016 Game Releases Fans Can't Wait To Ditch Friends For

#5 Resident Evil 7

This franchise defined survival horror. Delivering everything from double agents and empty gun chambers to an amusing, unexpected pronunciation of herb; fans can't wait to see what's in store.

#4 Final Fantasy XV

Destiny: through exquisite narration, the FF series offers answers for questions of the ages: what is the meaning of life and where do I fit in. We hope to see both features back and in full force in the next installment.

#3 Dark Souls III

Just when people thought micro-transactions and catering to casuals was the way the industry was headed, the Dark Souls franchise introduced a much needed and hard-hitting contrast. If there is one thing we know, it's  that people will die as many times as it takes to finish what they started.

#2 Persona 5

The series that stole those long summer days and boldly challenged social norms is back in 2016. Persona taught the world that it's OK to cry when you hug your friends, pack your bags and say goodbye.

#1 Mass Effect: Andromeda

Few games weave stories as well as BioWare's Mass Effect saga. In the vast and formidable depths of the galaxy, the big choices are left to the players and even the little ones have awe-inspiring effects. Here is to hoping that Andromeda will bring the light, which will ease that bittersweet despair fans felt after ME3.