Thursday, March 20, 2014

Korean American Shares Experience with American Sexuality

Project Cu exhibit which features photos of approximately 35 slang for vagina opened Saturday Mar. 15, 2014 and is on display for the next six months at City College of San Francisco Ocean Campus Madeleine Haas Russell Gallery, the 2nd floor of Rosenberg Library. 

Artist Jung Ran Bae crafted sculptures of the lower half of a woman, cut off right beneath the breast and placed sculptures of slang depicting different words for vagina in the crotch.

Honey pot, hairy donuts, cake.

It's all there.

Bae said she giggled the first time she heard the word vagina, she said the word was cute. Bae recalls a lack of visceral, emotions associated with colloquialisms for vagina because she was unfamiliar with American slang she said. Project Cu highlights a portion of Bae's Korean cultural experience living in America, differences in sexuality.

The photos are part of a larger exhibit titled "Our American Stories" that opened the same day.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Antibody Anybody

Antibodies are basically the body’s defense system that point and tattle on lingering, foreign parties roaming around on the inside looking like they might cause trouble.

If the syphilis bacteria looked like a lemon, then the antibody to combat it would look like the busty blonde, hipping a price tagger at Anytown Grocery.

An antibody recognizes bacteria and marks it, like the saleswoman tags the price of a lemon. The marked bacteria is gathered by other parts of the body’s defense system[s] and then hauled off. The bacterial cell is then squeezed, the exterior is ruptured and the fluids are drained. 

Bam Bam.

Likewise, a customer gathers a lemon and hauls it off. And if their kid wants to set up shop at a lemonade stand, she gets a lemon juicer. It gets squeezed, the exterior is ruptured and the fluids are drained. 


Conventional STI tests aren't used to test for the actual infection; they are used to check if a salesperson has marked a price for a lemon. 

Dormant Disease Syphilis

Syphilis antibodies cannot be detected by screening tests for three months after contracting the STI, and after possible exposure, individuals should consider being treated as if [assumed] positive according to SF City Clinic Mind-Body Counselor Luke Adams.

Those who may have had exposure to syphilis can get the same treatment as those who have a detectable level of syphilis antibodies or actual symptoms like sores, chancres.

Among the list of those willing to treat people who may have been exposed include, "[San Francisco] MagnetCity Clinic or any competent doctor," Adams said.

The treatment is a dose of antibiotics that can be administered by pill or by shot.

Syphilis is a bacterial infection transmitted through direct contact with another individual, usually during vaginal, anal or oral sex.

A rapid plasma reagin [RPR], venereal disease research laboratory [VDLR] are common tests used to screen for syphilis, however, are ineffective and will not yield positive results during the first three months after contracting the STI.